Links of the Week: July 19, 2024: The AI Use Case Throwdown™ That Wasn't

Is the opposite of a use case the lack of a use case—or an uneven distribution of technological benefits?

With AI, to Throwdown™ or Not Throwdown™ is the Question

AI either has tons of use cases or is all hype. Can museums figure out which—or both—and learn something more profound about their organizations?

Links of the Week: June 14, 2024: The AI-Age Museum Career

Technology for museums is about more than AI (though AIs probably would disagree).

The Cultural and Nonprofit Sector Technology Journey—An Interview with Matt Morgan

Museum Technology Careers are a Mix of Intention and Accident

Links of the Week: June 7, 2024: Days at the Museum

Museums can't find the answers unless they widen their view of who gets to ask the questions.

The Mindset to Matter: A Review of Why Museums Matter and Videogames and the Public Museum

Are museum leaders and workers speaking languages too different for institutions to thrive?

Links of the Week: May 31, 2024: Think about the Future

Museums as institutions don't collectively ponder their futures enough.

Links of the Week: May 24, 2024: This Deal Is Getting Worse All the Time

Has the new buzzword for being trapped in a platform finally come for the museum field?

Hustle Culture, Revisited, part 2: What I've Learned about Museums from Making Museum Human

What have I learned about the museum field from eight years of making Museum Human?

How Can Different Groups in the Museum Agree on Impact?

Museums—and their departments and workers—are increasingly concerned about impact beyond the institution. But can museums have impact externally when they may not agree on just what it means—or how to get there—internally?

Links of the Week: March 1, 2024: Futures and Presents, Perfect and Imperfect

Speculative fiction only works if we understand our past and present.

Will the Challenge of AI Inspire Museums and Workers to Innovate Together? An Interview with Deb Howes

How do museums navigate the AI landscape between the rock of institutional/staff obsolescence and the hard place of private profiteering?

Links of the Week: February 9, 2024: Leaders All the Way Down?

Leadership is a practice, not a set of positions. How are museums practicing their leadership?

The View from Up There: a Review of The Future of the Museum: 28 Dialogues by András Szántó

A 2020 leader-focused book on the future of museums is more than meets the eye.

What Do Museums Need to Do to Move Forward for Their Workers?

Museums being honest know that equity, fairness, and justice are organizational problems. Are they avoiding the necessary solutions?