Links of the Week: July 26, 2024: Accessibility and AI
Museums know the problem with accessibility is one of time and resource allocation—are they hoping to skip the work with AI?
Building a Legacy of Accessible Media for Museums and Galleries—A Guest Post by Caroline Desrosiers
Museums still have a long way to go with accessibility for Blind visitors.
Links of the Week: July 19, 2024: The AI Use Case Throwdown™ That Wasn't
Is the opposite of a use case the lack of a use case—or an uneven distribution of technological benefits?
With AI, to Throwdown™ or Not Throwdown™ is the Question
AI either has tons of use cases or is all hype. Can museums figure out which—or both—and learn something more profound about their organizations?
In Search of Sustainable Strategy for Museums: An Interview with Uma Nair
What is the relationship between skilled project management and sustainable museum strategy?
Links of the Week: June 21, 2024: Trust Busting or Trust Building?
Museums can't preach trust in society without enacting it internally.
Links of the Week: June 14, 2024: The AI-Age Museum Career
Technology for museums is about more than AI (though AIs probably would disagree).
Links of the Week: May 31, 2024: Think about the Future
Museums as institutions don't collectively ponder their futures enough.
Links of the Week: May 24, 2024: This Deal Is Getting Worse All the Time
Has the new buzzword for being trapped in a platform finally come for the museum field?
Links of the Week: May 17, 2024: Linked and Learning
Digital is a practice, not a product. Should the same be said for AI?
Links of the Week: March 22, 2024: A Map to Buried Treasure?
Half of any good map is the process of making your own.
Links of the Week: March 15, 2024: The Ides of Change
Change isn't as simple as one event.