Links of the Week: August 19, 2024: Access and Adaptation

Museums and workers can't wait around for there to be time and money for fairness and justice.

Adaptive Design Is the Latest Frontier in Accessibility—an Interview with Grace Jun

Museums need to learn that accessibility is more than just an add-on when schedules and budgets allow.

Links of the Week: July 26, 2024: Accessibility and AI

Museums know the problem with accessibility is one of time and resource allocation—are they hoping to skip the work with AI?

Building a Legacy of Accessible Media for Museums and Galleries—A Guest Post by Caroline Desrosiers

Museums still have a long way to go with accessibility for Blind visitors.

Links of the Week: August 4, 2023: The Belonging Museum

Adding belonging to DEIA is a first step, but transformation runs deeper.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging "after" Affirmative Action

Adding Belonging to DEIA Doesn't Change Museums' Challenge to Transform.

Links of the Week: March 17, 2023: The Brittle

This week's links include the polycrisis, transparency, care vs fascism, and what museums should be doing about it all.

Links of the Week: February 24, 2023: Getting Back to Museums

Museums and their workers have a world full of problems to deal with.

Links of the Week: July 15, 2022: (Northern) Summer Grab Bag

Here are some links on mission creep, DEIA, crypto, and burnout.

Links of the Week: May 13, 2022: Change Like You Mean It

Whose change? And changing into what? What does change mean for museum workers?