Links of the Week: July 26, 2024: Accessibility and AI

Museums know the problem with accessibility is one of time and resource allocation—are they hoping to skip the work with AI?

Building a Legacy of Accessible Media for Museums and Galleries—A Guest Post by Caroline Desrosiers

Museums still have a long way to go with accessibility for Blind visitors.

When a Colleague Dies—a Guest Post by Jen Holmes

On being human at work: lessons on leading through the unimaginable

Links of the Week: February 9, 2024: Leaders All the Way Down?

Leadership is a practice, not a set of positions. How are museums practicing their leadership?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

People's Goals and Progress Space—A Chat with Kyle Bowen of Museums As Progress

Instead of obsessing about institutional growth, museums should think more about people's progress.

Innovation, Engagement, Leadership, and Other Workplace Fails, part 2—One Way Out?

Can innovation be a joint, broad-based endeavor?

Innovation, Engagement, Leadership, and Other Workplace Fails, part 1

Is there something wrong with the idea of always innovating?

Links of the Week: August 4, 2023: The Belonging Museum

Adding belonging to DEIA is a first step, but transformation runs deeper.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging "after" Affirmative Action

Adding Belonging to DEIA Doesn't Change Museums' Challenge to Transform.