In Search of Sustainable Strategy for Museums: An Interview with Uma Nair

What is the relationship between skilled project management and sustainable museum strategy?

Links of the Week: June 7, 2024: Days at the Museum

Museums can't find the answers unless they widen their view of who gets to ask the questions.

Links of the Week: May 31, 2024: Think about the Future

Museums as institutions don't collectively ponder their futures enough.

Links of the Week: November 17, 2023: Everything Everywhere

After a virtual conference considered the Future of Museums, can we find common ground between civics, tech, and worker wellbeing?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

We Are All Standing on the Edge

As we teeter on the edges of so many problems, can we take in all that we're facing?

People's Goals and Progress Space—A Chat with Kyle Bowen of Museums As Progress

Instead of obsessing about institutional growth, museums should think more about people's progress.

Links of the Week: January 13, 2023: All the Pretty Trojan Horses

We laugh off some spectacles and collapses to our peril

The Museum Overwork Dilemma—Us or Them?

We've met the museum overwork enemy—but is it us? Join a co-hosted conversation on June 9 to talk it out.

Are We Approaching Museum Org Culture All Wrong?

What if we're approaching museum org culture backward?

Towards a New Museum Conference Ecosystem?

Nearly 50 museum-field professionals discussed evolving the museum conference-scape into something broader

Next-Level Museum Conference Chess

Come to a Museum Human gathering about museum conference gatherings

Links of the Week: November 19, 2021: Post-Conference-Era Follow-up

My post on museum conferences generated a fair amount of comments. What larger concerns were implicated?

Are We Entering a Post-Museum-Conference Era?

I loved the virtual museum conferences I attended this year, but is it time for a different model altogether?

Links of the Week: October 22, 2021: Tech in the Middle

The end of the calendar year often feels like the time for tech talk.