Links of the Week: April 21, 2023: Self Meet Self

Selves at work are complicated—and they should be. Can we deal?

Shrug Culture: Innovation, Help, and Sharing in Museums

All too often, one worker's innovation is another worker's meh.

Links of the Week: April 14, 2023: New Chat, Same as the Old Chat

Our culture has been primed to acquiesce to generative content without a fight.

Links of the Week: March 24, 2023: What It All Means

Turns out that searching for the meaning of all things requires a looser org structure than you'd expect.

Links of the Week: March 17, 2023: The Brittle

This week's links include the polycrisis, transparency, care vs fascism, and what museums should be doing about it all.

Museums and the X-day Workweek

A shorter workweek is under discussion, but are orgs still desperately avoiding real flexibility?

Links of the Week: February 24, 2023: Getting Back to Museums

Museums and their workers have a world full of problems to deal with.

Quiet Quitting in Museums is More than Just Taking It Easy

Quiet quitting is a journey of worker self-worth and one that museums have to take very seriously.

Links of the Week: August 12, 2022: The Fairness Spin

Are efforts to make museums fairer workplaces—including with DEAI—just going in circles?

Links of the Week: July 29, 2022: Going Deep

When a story is ending, what needs to change—the story or the storytellers?

Links of the Week: July 15, 2022: (Northern) Summer Grab Bag

Here are some links on mission creep, DEIA, crypto, and burnout.

Changing Museum Overwork Culture and More

Can lessons used in changing overwork behaviors be applied to larger societal issues?

"Severance" and Museum Org Culture

The most recent show about work/life (im)balance has some lessons about org culture in the museum field.

Links of the Week: May 27, 2022: Culture Fit

As the Great Exhaustion continues apace, can museum workers get past cultural tyrannies?

The Museum Overwork Dilemma—Us or Them?

We've met the museum overwork enemy—but is it us? Join a co-hosted conversation on June 9 to talk it out.