Links of the Week: July 26, 2024: Accessibility and AI

Museums know the problem with accessibility is one of time and resource allocation—are they hoping to skip the work with AI?

Building a Legacy of Accessible Media for Museums and Galleries—A Guest Post by Caroline Desrosiers

Museums still have a long way to go with accessibility for Blind visitors.

Links of the Week: March 8, 2024: We Who (or Don't) ABIDE

Taking on the backlash against respect and opportunity for all people in workplaces will take more than a couple of all-staff mandates.

Tough Love for the DEI Industry: A Review of DEI Deconstructed

A 2022 book has a damning analysis of why DEI hasn't worked so far—and how understanding org culture better is the first step to real change.

Links of the Week: January 26, 2024: Finding Forward

Can museums and their workers move in the same direction at the same time?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

Links of the Week: August 4, 2023: The Belonging Museum

Adding belonging to DEIA is a first step, but transformation runs deeper.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging "after" Affirmative Action

Adding Belonging to DEIA Doesn't Change Museums' Challenge to Transform.

Better to be a Nosider than an Insider or an Outsider (part 2)

The obsession with inside and outside is only reinforcing the hierarchy.

Are You a Museum Insider, Outsider, or Some of Both? (Part 1)

Insider and outsider definitions are more complicated than org charts.

Feelings in the Workplace Are Real

Are orgs ready for what it would mean to treat feelings as tangible objects and processes?

Everything Counts when Moving Teams Beyond Burnout: a Chat with Jen Holmes

Leading better teams is a constant process—and the most rewarding workplace practice.

Links of the Week: April 21, 2023: Self Meet Self

Selves at work are complicated—and they should be. Can we deal?

The Museum Doctors: Interview with Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell of Cultural Inquiry

What if museums didn't just listen to children and communities, but did what they were told?

Links of the Week: March 24, 2023: What It All Means

Turns out that searching for the meaning of all things requires a looser org structure than you'd expect.