Links of the Week: April 26, 2024: Process and Processing

Workplaces process trauma to the best of their ability—in our society, how good is that?

Links of the Week: April 5, 2024: Tech Tok

The ban-or-not TikTok controversy just shows how scattershot our approach to technology is.

Links of the Week: March 1, 2024: Futures and Presents, Perfect and Imperfect

Speculative fiction only works if we understand our past and present.

Links of the Week: November 17, 2023: Everything Everywhere

After a virtual conference considered the Future of Museums, can we find common ground between civics, tech, and worker wellbeing?

Links of the Week: July 21, 2023: Quarter Dump

The jury is still out on the future of workplaces.

Checking out Museum Human's Second Quarter of 2023

The second quarter of the year was a time for Museum Human to up its interview game.

Are We Listening? Review of The Persuaders, Part 1

A new book calls out callout culture, but does it practice the deep listening it advocates?

Links of the Week: February 10, 2023: Tech and friends

Tech was supposed to make the world safe for everything, but it's mostly been good for corporate profits so far.

Returning with the New Year (and the Same Old Concerns)

After a long Museum Human break, I'm considering some major changes for the site in 2023

The Good, the Bad, and the Maybe in Museum Work

Are we in the museum field filling our social airwaves with too much bad sector news?

Links of the Week: April 22, 2022: Museum Field Hot Takes

Museum professionals have no shortage of hot takes about the field

Links of the Week: March 25, 2022: AI yai yai …

Artificial intelligence is supposed to do everything, but should AI do anything without people taking the lead?

The Tech-Driven Cult of the Individual Harms Museum Workers' Mental Health

Personalized tech was supposed to help mental health issues in museums. What happened?

Thoughts on a Few Months of Not Tweeting

I became a lurker on my only social media platform. Here are some lessons I learned about busyness.

Thoughts on One Month of Regular Tweeting

I was once an occasional tweeter. This year, I resolved to share every day about museum org culture. Here's how Month One went.