In Search of Sustainable Strategy for Museums: An Interview with Uma Nair

What is the relationship between skilled project management and sustainable museum strategy?

The Mindset to Matter: A Review of Why Museums Matter and Videogames and the Public Museum

Are museum leaders and workers speaking languages too different for institutions to thrive?

Hustle Culture, Revisited, part 2: What I've Learned about Museums from Making Museum Human

What have I learned about the museum field from eight years of making Museum Human?

Links of the Week: May 17, 2024: Linked and Learning

Digital is a practice, not a product. Should the same be said for AI?

Links of the Week: May 3, 2024: Deep Impact

Impact is what museums do and alignment is how they do it.

Links of the Week: March 22, 2024: A Map to Buried Treasure?

Half of any good map is the process of making your own.

Will the Challenge of AI Inspire Museums and Workers to Innovate Together? An Interview with Deb Howes

How do museums navigate the AI landscape between the rock of institutional/staff obsolescence and the hard place of private profiteering?

Links of the Week: November 3, 2023: MAP Your Museum's Culture

Do museums have the organizational culture to tackle real problems in real ways?

Everything Counts when Moving Teams Beyond Burnout: a Chat with Jen Holmes

Leading better teams is a constant process—and the most rewarding workplace practice.

Wrong, Revisited: Museum Worker Pain Points

Can we be wrong and right about museum-field pain points at the same time?

Links of the Week: January 20, 2023: Ready to Learn?

Can organizations learn how to be better throughout?

Links of the Week: August 26, 2022: More on the Long View

Taking a long view without centering humanity is no view at all.

We Need to Complicate Our Narratives of Progress

A new book questions the progress narrative of Western civilization, and museum workers should take note.

Study Hall: The Org Culture of Self-Examination in Museums

Museum-field studies are interesting, but does institutional org culture prevent real learning?

Links of the Week: December 10, 2021: Everything Must Go, Part 2

Some end-of-year reading on museums, silos, learning, racism, leadership, and climate