Tough Love for the DEI Industry: A Review of DEI Deconstructed

A 2022 book has a damning analysis of why DEI hasn't worked so far—and how understanding org culture better is the first step to real change.

The Analytics and Intuition Dilemma for Museum Workers

Data and analytics are important for museums, but intuition and genius need to be democratized, too.

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

Links of the Week: March 3, 2023: Minding the Gaps

Sometimes it's what's missing that defines our workplaces.

Links of the Week: August 5, 2022: Just Eff It?

The dividing line between "just eff it" and "no effing way" has shifted, and museum workers have taken note.

Links of the Week: April 15, 2022: Elite Is As Elite Does

How elite is the museum field, anyway?

Measuring the Unmeasurable in Museum Work

Worker feelings may be impossible to measure, and that's a good thing

Study Hall: The Org Culture of Self-Examination in Museums

Museum-field studies are interesting, but does institutional org culture prevent real learning?

Are Museums Really Ready for Audience Research?

Museums' audience research efforts are undermined by troubling organizational trends.

Museums Trust the Process but Not the People

Museum workers are told to think in systems but put people first. So which is it?

Tag, You're It: Museums and the Internet of Stuff

The micro-location revolution promises more information for museums and their visitors than ever. But do we already have too much "stuff" in the museum? And how do we keep track of it all?