How Do Museums Gather Better? An Interview with Rob Urstein

Museums need to up their game for matching members with programs in this digital age.

Will the Challenge of AI Inspire Museums and Workers to Innovate Together? An Interview with Deb Howes

How do museums navigate the AI landscape between the rock of institutional/staff obsolescence and the hard place of private profiteering?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

People's Goals and Progress Space—A Chat with Kyle Bowen of Museums As Progress

Instead of obsessing about institutional growth, museums should think more about people's progress.

Is the Moment Right for a Museum Metaverse? An Interview with Annabell Vacano of Atopia

The metaverse may have been left behind by all the talk of AI, but agile start-ups have stepped in.

The Museum Doctors: Interview with Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell of Cultural Inquiry

What if museums didn't just listen to children and communities, but did what they were told?

Co-Creation Requires a Museum Field Re-Creation

More museums are co-creating, but a deep and widespread practice will require a new org culture.

Are Museums Really Ready for Audience Research?

Museums' audience research efforts are undermined by troubling organizational trends.

The Event Horizon of Digital Skills and Museum Staff

Museum workers need comprehensive digital skills that are fairly and equally distributed. Will we end up with digital haves and have-nots in the museum?