Links of the Week: June 28, 2024: Project Manage This

Museums are ignoring the need for skills and culture as they rush towards a future they define in strategic plans.

Links of the Week: March 22, 2024: A Map to Buried Treasure?

Half of any good map is the process of making your own.

What Would Your Work Manifesto Look Like?

There's never a bad time to make a personal—and workplace—manifesto.

Feelings in the Workplace Are Real

Are orgs ready for what it would mean to treat feelings as tangible objects and processes?

Links of the Week: July 29, 2022: Going Deep

When a story is ending, what needs to change—the story or the storytellers?

The Positivity of Negativity in Museum Work

Can we acknowledge doom and collapse and still make positive change in museums?

Personality Types, Personas, and Uncertainty in Museum Work

Personality tests and personas come from the same organizational obsession with absolute certainty.