A Review of Bootstrapped and a Webinar on Worker Self-Directed Nonprofits

Organizations too often believe the twin myths of individual self-reliance and worker disempowerment.

Links of the Week: April 12, 2024: Innovation Station

Innovation is a practice, which is part of the problem but all of the opportunity.

Links of the Week: April 5, 2024: Tech Tok

The ban-or-not TikTok controversy just shows how scattershot our approach to technology is.

Links of the Week: January 5, 2024: Digging in the Link Pile, part 3

We finish up a three-week link dump with AI and decision-making.

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

People's Goals and Progress Space—A Chat with Kyle Bowen of Museums As Progress

Instead of obsessing about institutional growth, museums should think more about people's progress.

Links of the Week: September 15, 2023: Autumn of our Innovation Discontent

Change is almost always defined by leaders—can we think bigger?

Links of the Week: August 25, 2023: Manifestos R Us

Manifestos may be about many things, but they all have a way of contemplating our entire civilization.

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

Links of the Week: July 28, 2023: Capital Crimes

We're up to here with capitalism. Can we breathe without it?

Links of the Week: July 21, 2023: Quarter Dump

The jury is still out on the future of workplaces.

Checking out Museum Human's Second Quarter of 2023

The second quarter of the year was a time for Museum Human to up its interview game.

Decision-Making Often Goes Wrong Before It Even Begins

Distributed decision-making is the real test of progressive workplaces.

The Museum Doctors: Interview with Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell of Cultural Inquiry

What if museums didn't just listen to children and communities, but did what they were told?

Can Emergent Skills Save the Museum Sector? A chat with Dr. Lauren Vargas

Museums say they want better community relationships but need better emergent skills first.