16 April 2021

Museums Can't End Projects Without a Map

Museums have no problem starting new work. Why is ending old work so difficult to get right?

26 March 2021

Busyness, Revisited

The cult of busyness is the museum field's daily expression of weaponized and exploited time.

02 February 2021

Against the Museum Smartocracy

Museums aren't just meritocracies. They are organizations that identify with smarts above all else. (Yes, even money.)

28 September 2020

How Does Hope in Museums Turn into Action?

Hope can lead to transformation—are museums ready to support their workers in the days ahead?

31 August 2020

The Museum Field's Twin Obsessions with Scarcity and Growth

Museums are addicted to institutional growth but precarity for their people.

17 August 2020

Going Rogue, Revisited

Is ignoring the org structure the best way to make change or just more safe, performative rebellion?

06 May 2020

The Museum at the End of the World: "I Didn't Mean It Literally" Edition

What should museums do in the apocalypse? Stop talking about leadership, realism, and the new normal, to start.

17 February 2020

How Museums Can Really Have Engaged Employees

Surveys on museum employee engagement are now commonplace. But real engagement comes from accountability, and that starts with respect for all staff.