A Review of Bootstrapped and a Webinar on Worker Self-Directed Nonprofits

Organizations too often believe the twin myths of individual self-reliance and worker disempowerment.

The Trust Problem for Museums Doesn't Start with the Public

Museums say they're among the most trusted institutions in society. What happens when that isn't the case internally?

Links of the Week: April 12, 2024: Innovation Station

Innovation is a practice, which is part of the problem but all of the opportunity.

What if We Act as if We Love the Future? An Interview with Mike Murawski

How do we stay hopeful while doing the hard work of organizational change?

The Well-Being Dilemma for Museum Workers

Do museum workers need to take charge of their own well-being—and that of their institutions?

Is the Fall of the Museum Workplace a Matter of Time?

Is 2024 the year that museum work stops making sense, for good?

Links of the Week: January 12, 2024: Blood in the System

Discussions about technology are about so much more than machines.

Links of the Week: September 8, 2023: Fall Term Terminology

Innovation, leadership, and engagement need to be grounded in workplace reality in order to really improve.

Links of the Week: August 18, 2023: Meetings about Meetings

If bad meeting culture is the symptom, then what is the disease?

Better to be a Nosider than an Insider or an Outsider (part 2)

The obsession with inside and outside is only reinforcing the hierarchy.

Are You a Museum Insider, Outsider, or Some of Both? (Part 1)

Insider and outsider definitions are more complicated than org charts.

"Who's Defensive? You're Defensive!" Accountability in Museum Work

When all around is collapsing, internal mistrust can easily turn into defensiveness.

What Museum Human Means by "Hierarchy"

What if just reforming leadership and the hierarchy isn't enough?

Links of the Week: January 20, 2023: Ready to Learn?

Can organizations learn how to be better throughout?

The Resignation Might Be Great, but is It Real?

How the Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and Hybrid/Remote work interrelate