With AI, to Throwdown™ or Not Throwdown™ is the Question

AI either has tons of use cases or is all hype. Can museums figure out which—or both—and learn something more profound about their organizations?

How Can Different Groups in the Museum Agree on Impact?

Museums—and their departments and workers—are increasingly concerned about impact beyond the institution. But can museums have impact externally when they may not agree on just what it means—or how to get there—internally?

Links of the Week: April 26, 2024: Process and Processing

Workplaces process trauma to the best of their ability—in our society, how good is that?

Awareness of Self and Others in Museum Work

If we don't have the time for awareness of ourselves, how can museum workers serve audiences and society?

Links of the Week: September 8, 2023: Fall Term Terminology

Innovation, leadership, and engagement need to be grounded in workplace reality in order to really improve.

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

Links of the Week: July 21, 2023: Quarter Dump

The jury is still out on the future of workplaces.

Better to be a Nosider than an Insider or an Outsider (part 2)

The obsession with inside and outside is only reinforcing the hierarchy.

Links of the Week: June 30, 2023: The Inside and the Outside

Much of change management is about balancing the inside and outside aspects of org culture.

Are You a Museum Insider, Outsider, or Some of Both? (Part 1)

Insider and outsider definitions are more complicated than org charts.

"Who's Defensive? You're Defensive!" Accountability in Museum Work

When all around is collapsing, internal mistrust can easily turn into defensiveness.

What Museum Human Means by "Hierarchy"

What if just reforming leadership and the hierarchy isn't enough?

Everything Counts when Moving Teams Beyond Burnout: a Chat with Jen Holmes

Leading better teams is a constant process—and the most rewarding workplace practice.

Links of the Week: April 21, 2023: Self Meet Self

Selves at work are complicated—and they should be. Can we deal?

Shrug Culture: Innovation, Help, and Sharing in Museums

All too often, one worker's innovation is another worker's meh.