08 August 2023

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

30 June 2023

Links of the Week: June 30, 2023: The Inside and the Outside

Much of change management is about balancing the inside and outside aspects of org culture.

27 June 2023

Are You a Museum Insider, Outsider, or Some of Both? (Part 1)

Insider and outsider definitions are more complicated than org charts.

20 June 2023

"Who's Defensive? You're Defensive!" Accountability in Museum Work

When all around is collapsing, internal mistrust can easily turn into defensiveness.

05 May 2023

Links of the Week: May 5, 2023: The Mismatch Game

We're hired as matches for our teams, but mismatches are more common in our orgs.

25 April 2023

Everything Counts when Moving Teams Beyond Burnout: a Chat with Jen Holmes

Leading better teams is a constant process—and the most rewarding workplace practice.

18 April 2023

Shrug Culture: Innovation, Help, and Sharing in Museums

All too often, one worker's innovation is another worker's meh.

11 April 2023

Decision-Making Often Goes Wrong Before It Even Begins

Distributed decision-making is the real test of progressive workplaces.

24 March 2023

Links of the Week: March 24, 2023: What It All Means

Turns out that searching for the meaning of all things requires a looser org structure than you'd expect.

14 March 2023

Museums and the X-day Workweek

A shorter workweek is under discussion, but are orgs still desperately avoiding real flexibility?

28 February 2023

Can Emergent Skills Save the Museum Sector? A chat with Dr. Lauren Vargas

Museums say they want better community relationships but need better emergent skills first.

21 February 2023

The War of All Against All: Review of The Persuaders, part 2

The callout culture around callout culture only feeds into the War of All Against All.

10 February 2023

Links of the Week: February 10, 2023: Tech and friends

Tech was supposed to make the world safe for everything, but it's mostly been good for corporate profits so far.

31 January 2023

Can Museums Respond to the Remote/Hybrid Challenge?

If resigning is Great and quitting is Quiet, what does that make remote and hybrid work?

10 January 2023

What I've Been Reading, Watching, and Listening to Lately

These media have a lot of messages