Tough Love for the DEI Industry: A Review of DEI Deconstructed

A 2022 book has a damning analysis of why DEI hasn't worked so far—and how understanding org culture better is the first step to real change.

Links of the Week: February 23, 2024: Let Us List the Ways

What is the org culture that we've supposedly lost by remote and hybrid work, anyway?

Links of the Week: January 12, 2024: Blood in the System

Discussions about technology are about so much more than machines.

Links of the Week: December 22, 2023: Digging in the Link Pile, part 1

There's no shortage of articles about AI, so we'll start with anything but.

Links of the Week: November 17, 2023: Everything Everywhere

After a virtual conference considered the Future of Museums, can we find common ground between civics, tech, and worker wellbeing?

Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

We Are All Standing on the Edge

As we teeter on the edges of so many problems, can we take in all that we're facing?

Links of the Week: November 3, 2023: MAP Your Museum's Culture

Do museums have the organizational culture to tackle real problems in real ways?

The Analytics and Intuition Dilemma for Museum Workers

Data and analytics are important for museums, but intuition and genius need to be democratized, too.

Links of the Week: October 13, 2023: The Business of AI

The business world can't stop thinking about AI. That's good for the hyperati, but what about the rest of us?

Links of the Week: August 11, 2023: Storytelling and Change

Like everything best in an organization, storytelling is a practice, not a one-off product.

Storytelling with Clarity and Confidence: an Interview with Abhay Adhikari

An open-minded and multi-disciplinary approach is making Digital Identities more than just technology.

Links of the Week: June 30, 2023: The Inside and the Outside

Much of change management is about balancing the inside and outside aspects of org culture.

Are You a Museum Insider, Outsider, or Some of Both? (Part 1)

Insider and outsider definitions are more complicated than org charts.

"Who's Defensive? You're Defensive!" Accountability in Museum Work

When all around is collapsing, internal mistrust can easily turn into defensiveness.