Can Museums Prioritize Civics, Wellbeing, and Technology All at Once?

A brief virtual conference made a game attempt to link civics, in a partisan age, staff wellbeing, and technology.

Checking out Museum Human's Second Quarter of 2023

The second quarter of the year was a time for Museum Human to up its interview game.

"Who's Defensive? You're Defensive!" Accountability in Museum Work

When all around is collapsing, internal mistrust can easily turn into defensiveness.

What Museum Human Means by "Hierarchy"

What if just reforming leadership and the hierarchy isn't enough?

Everything Counts when Moving Teams Beyond Burnout: a Chat with Jen Holmes

Leading better teams is a constant process—and the most rewarding workplace practice.

Shrug Culture: Innovation, Help, and Sharing in Museums

All too often, one worker's innovation is another worker's meh.

How to Make Museum Work Flexible, not Fauxible

Flexible work is not just schedules and policies. It's roles, skills, mindsets, and more. Otherwise it's fake flexibility: fauxibility.

Museums Trust the Process but Not the People

Museum workers are told to think in systems but put people first. So which is it?

Agile for What?

The museum sector has been talking for years about the need for agility. But just what are we trying to be agile for?