Links of the Week: January 13, 2023: All the Pretty Trojan Horses

We laugh off some spectacles and collapses to our peril

Changing Museum Overwork Culture and More

Can lessons used in changing overwork behaviors be applied to larger societal issues?

Is there a "Museum Left"?

What does it mean to be a radical museum worker?

Co-Creation Requires a Museum Field Re-Creation

More museums are co-creating, but a deep and widespread practice will require a new org culture.

Links of the Week: May 13, 2021: Ace off Base

What does the internal turmoil at a small software company have to do with museum org culture? Read on.

Antiracism and Museum Organizational Culture

Antiracism isn't simply an action plan. For museums, that means rebuilding their own structure and culture into something new.

The Capitalism Conundrum for Museum Workers

Is there another way for the museum sector besides all-encompassing capitalism? Thoughts on week two of MCN 2020.

Museums in an Age of Redux

A look back at a post from four years ago—are museums any more ready to resist authoritarianism, even in their own org culture?

The Museum at the End of the World: "I Didn't Mean It Literally" Edition

What should museums do in the apocalypse? Stop talking about leadership, realism, and the new normal, to start.

The Schrödinger's Career of Working in Museums

Museum workers are calling out the contradictions of their institutions and the field. Are museums—and workers—ready for the changes required?

A Year of Shattered Expectations

I started writing a year-end blog post several times, but it felt weird and delusional, like I was ignoring the approaching giant planet ready to destroy the Earth.

Museums in an Age of Despair

If you work in a museum, the title of this post is a no-brainer, but it is also part of the problem.

Diversity in Museums: a Follow-Up

Are the privileged—including myself—ready to look in that mirror? My post last week on diversity got a lot of positive responses, but I'm more grateful for the ones which pointed out mistakes and implications in what I wrote.

What We in Museums Talk about When We Talk about Diversity

Are museums ready for what a real commitment to diversity will entail?